More than 30 million tourists a year can’t be wrong


Thailand offers everything it advertises, beautiful beaches, spiritual pagodas and exciting big city life. Travelling is easy and English is spoken widely and even German and French can be heard at most corners (by tourists, not locals though). It definitely is a very well developed country and excels at providing first class holiday experiences.

At first, the ease of getting around and the familiarity of a lot of things, was quite nice. However, it also can get a bit boring without the daily struggle of getting to know your surroundings and figuring out how everything works. For us, Thailand was perfect to relax for a while, but towards the end we also started to miss the feeling of novelty a bit. 


Travel days

Mode of transport
Private bus, Minivan,
Day train,
Long boat, River ferry, Ferry,
… and by foot

Types of accommodation
Hotels: 10 nights
Bungalow: 6 nights
Hilltop Bungalow: 4 nights

Lowest temperature at night:
16 degrees

Highest temperature by day:
36 degrees

Rainy day(s)
Twice for an hour

Thailand colour palette
