Good Morning Vietnam ...


Our guided tour through Vietnam has come to an end at the border crossing Moc Bai to Cambodia. The time here can be characterised as easy travelling, the people are nice, things are fairly uncomplicated and you usually find an English speaker when you need one. However, at times due to all the tourist attractions, it was hard to imagine what the country looked like before the commercialisation of its history and sights. So, if you want to enjoy a relaxed vacation, with amazing food in South East Asia without missing the perks of the developed world, Vietnam seems to be the place to go.


Travel days

Mode of transport
Private bus,
Sleeper train,
Grab, Taxi,
Cycle rickshaw,
Bicycle… and by foot

Types of accommodation
Hotels: 16 nights
Sleeper train: 3 nights

Lowest temperature at night:
20 degrees

Highest temperature by day:
30 degrees

Rainy day(s)

Our Vietnam colour palette
