Our last stop in India, the City of Joy


Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, is a place that touches all senses. Visually, it offers colours, shapes, patterns, people, buildings, iconic, symbolic, new, old, decaying, renovated, Hindi, Christen, Muslim, British, Indian, European, Asian… There is noise pretty much everywhere and from all sources, construction sides, cars, temples, music from shacks at the side of the road, singing Uber drivers, and to make the noise even more felt, there are tranquil places, such as South Park cemetery and the Marble Palace. Smells range from the gross to the more than pleasant, let your imagination run wild… Your tongue will find inspiration here as well, you can find local Bengali, Chinese, Creole, Western cuisine and their fusions. Last but not least, in a place with so many people, body contact is inevitable, when walking down Park Street while admiring the beautiful Christmas lights, people will bump into you and you will bump into them. So, as Romy said so perfectly in the taxi on our second day here, I like this city, and on our third day we still do.

Happy New Year!

Mother Theresa House and tomb

Mother Theresa House and tomb

Raj Bhavan, official residence of the Governor of West Bengal

Raj Bhavan, official residence of the Governor of West Bengal

Kolkata High Court

Kolkata High Court

Town Hall

Town Hall

Howrah Railway Station

Howrah Railway Station

Howrah Bridge

Howrah Bridge

Flower market

Flower market

Street life

Street life

South Park cemetery

South Park cemetery

Park Street Christmas Lights

Park Street Christmas Lights

The city needs more than one colour: Decay - Emergence - Life
