Welcome to Delhi


Arriving in Delhi after an overnight flight from Europe with a significant lack of sleep already leads to a small distortion of reality. So, as a disclaimer, this might have intensify the impressions I gathered on the way to the hotel. After leaving the clean and ACed world of the airport into a hazy Delhi, I saw roads with three lanes, but many more cars and colourful trucks and busses and motor rickshaws next to each other. The occasional cow on the road just somehow slipped into this surreal experience of chaos and structure and the merging of the two.


Our first day included a visit of the Lotus house of worship, an impressive structure which was built in 1986 in the design of a lotus flower. It is a Baha’i House of Worship and open to all faiths for meditation, worship and prayer. Afterwards we visited the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Qutub Minar, another religious compound, built around 1192. This sight is, as one can expect, much different from the modern and clean design of the Lotus flower, but the architecture is stunning and still inspiring to this day.

The Lotus Temple


The Qutub Minar


My impressions of the day in one colour
